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Who should do it then? The neighbor’s daughter?

I can almost hear my mother’s soft voice saying these words to me.

Shall we call the neighbor’s daughter to do your chores?


The wisdom of that escaped the teenager me who had to wash the dishes by hand, in the corner of the kitchen that was not sunny or fun and had no view of happy birds playing outside. Poor me.

But I do get it now.


woman washing plate after meal


Who should do my work?

As an emotional adult, I can take responsibility for it, but I still have moments when I see glimpses of that reluctant teenager.


I’ve  passed by the clean laundry pile that needs to be folded and put away several times in a day, sometimes even for several days, hoping, wishing someone else would take care of it.  Or maybe the clothes will fold themselves and float into their appropriate drawers. Then maybe on the fifth day, I hear that inner voice that sounds like my mother, who’s going to do it then, the neighbor’s daughter?

I guess not…


There are times  when I suffer from the opposite extreme. I exhaust myself with doing, whether it’s gardening, housework, running errands around town or even taking an ambitious walk in the neighborhood.  When I get close to the end of these activities, I so wish someone else would finish that last bit. Could the neighbor’s daughter wash the garden tools and take them inside? After all I’ve slaved away weeding, digging and planting all day! Could she maybe walk the last few blocks back home for me? The day I couldn’t even stand in the shower to clean up after gardening till it was pitch dark, I finally came up with  a solution for this one. When planning activities, chores, excursions, leave enough energy for completion and the return home. No one else wants to finish them for me! The neighbor’s daughter cannot also rest for me! That’s my job too.


The most annoying area I sometimes notice myself going emotionally back to childhood and wishing for someone else to do my job is my creative work, my writing.  I have many stories I want to share with you and often I catch myself waiting for them to write themselves. Now this is not always a bad thing, they could be just marinating, taking shape and they will eventually write themselves. But there are times, they’re ready and I’m still waiting for someone else to come and put them down on paper. The problem is when they sit around too long, they might not be willing to be written any more.

So again, I have to remind myself, it’s my job, no one is coming over to do it for me. Strangely, once I sit down with the intention of completing a piece, it goes pretty smoothly.


hand writing



I’m going to tell you a secret.


Many of the things I used to think need to be done, don’t care if they’re done or not.  It’s true!  No one cares if they’re done or not…. not even me!  In another post, I’ll share how to decide what really needs to get done and how to make doing it easier on yourself.


The most important and all encompassing place I have successfully stopped waiting for someone else to do my job is leading my own life! It’s my life, and I don’t want anyone else to live it for me! I will choose my path, I will decide what’s best for me and I will not wait for someone else to come and do it for me, or save me like a damsel in distress!

Take charge of your own life!

Maybe this was what my mother was telling me all those years ago!

The neighbor’s daughter has her own chores and her own life to live, tend to your own, dear one.


Now that I think about it, we didn’t have an old enough neighbor’s daughter to come and do my chores anyway. What were you even talking about, mama? Hmm.


How about you?

Are there any specific things you hope and wish you had a convenient neighbor’s daughter or son to come and do for you?


Please let me know in comments here. I’d love to hear from you.


much love,


4 Comments on Who should do it then? The neighbor’s daughter?

  1. DIY April
    February 18, 2015 at 1:59 pm (9 years ago)

    I’m a single lady who lives in a small condo and pays to have it cleaned. I get teased a little bit, but I tell my married friends with huge house that I’ll be by the pool while they’re doing yard work.

  2. Christa Roth
    February 18, 2015 at 8:16 pm (9 years ago)

    It’s someone else’s job, it’s not my responsibility, it’s not my problem, how many times have I heard this? You either do and it’s done or you don’t and it doesn’t get done. if it’s important to you, you do it.

  3. Leda Asmar
    February 21, 2015 at 11:08 pm (9 years ago)

    It’s good to know what you need and want to do and to do just that. 🙂

  4. Leda Asmar
    February 21, 2015 at 11:11 pm (9 years ago)

    Yes. Sometimes, if we question whether it’s really important to us, we might be surprised.

    I was postponing something this week. I sat down 5 times to do it, and found a way to distract myself. When I investigated why, it became obvious that I didn’t want to do it and it was not important enough for me to do it. I had just thought myself into believing that it was important. Phew!

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